Stop The Bleed Training

January 28, 2023 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Trinity EFree Church
46485 Middle Ridge Rd
OH 44001
Todd Hershner

Stop the Bleed class: January 28, 1:00 PM .

Location: Trinity E Free Church in Amherst.

Open to all members and guests–free of charge.

This is not a CPR class but rather a course in what to do in the case of severe trauma in order to save a life. In these situations individuals will die in seconds or minutes without intervention. This is valuable information for everyone! Our club currently has stop the bleed kits on every range. Knowing how to use them could save a life if an accident were to occur either on our range or a traffic accident you may pass. I personally carry a stop the bleed kit in my car just in case. If you are interested in attending,please email with the number that will be attending.

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